What Goes On Media Training and Representation Speech and music radio specialists Demo critique

What our Clients Say. Getting on air in this tough radio market is harder than ever. Its not enough to have bags of talent, or even bags of experience. You need to know how to focus your content and deliver exactly what a Programme Director wants to hear. Take control of your own career here. We know we will help you achieve your goals through our unique combination of huge industry experience and focused individual coaching programmes. Our Passion for Individuals. For more details and.


The domain whatgoesonmedia.co.uk currently has an average traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more traffic). We have traversed zero pages within the domain whatgoesonmedia.co.uk and found two websites interfacing with whatgoesonmedia.co.uk. There is two public network sites linked to whatgoesonmedia.co.uk.
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We observed that a lone root page on whatgoesonmedia.co.uk took three hundred and twenty-seven milliseconds to download. We could not observe a SSL certificate, so I consider whatgoesonmedia.co.uk not secure.
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What Goes On Media Training and Representation Speech and music radio specialists Demo critique


What our Clients Say. Getting on air in this tough radio market is harder than ever. Its not enough to have bags of talent, or even bags of experience. You need to know how to focus your content and deliver exactly what a Programme Director wants to hear. Take control of your own career here. We know we will help you achieve your goals through our unique combination of huge industry experience and focused individual coaching programmes. Our Passion for Individuals. For more details and.


The domain whatgoesonmedia.co.uk has the following in the homepage, "Getting on air in this tough radio market is harder than ever." I observed that the webpage also stated " Its not enough to have bags of talent, or even bags of experience." They also stated " You need to know how to focus your content and deliver exactly what a Programme Director wants to hear. Take control of your own career here. We know we will help you achieve your goals through our unique combination of huge industry experience and focused individual coaching programmes." The meta header had menus as the first keyword. This keyword was followed by website, template, and your which isn't as urgent as menus. The other words the site used was key. words is also included but will not be seen by search parsers.


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